The Melungeons blog

Monday, March 31, 2008

Kennedy Wins Civil Rights Award

April 1998 "Fitz Turner Award for Outstanding Contributions in Intergroup Relations"

"The award is named for Virginia educator and civil rights leader Fitz Turner (1922-1974). Turner was president of the predominantly black Virginia Teacher's Association, and was the first black professional staff member employed by the VEA. He is credited with helping to usher in an era of fairness, justice, and understanding as Virginia undertook integration of its public education system."

"In announcing the award, Commission Chair Sue Rafferty of Arlington cited Kennedy's ground-breaking work in publicly championing the South's hidden racial and ethnic diversity, and in stressing the kinship of all people. Rafferty acknowledged the controversial nature of Kennedy's work, which has at times exposed him to intense criticism, and cited his unwavering efforts as a key factor in the Commission's decision."

"Kennedy's theories on Melungeon origins propose that sixteenth-century Turkish, Portuguese, Spanish, Arab, and Jewish settlers, slaves, and prisoners intermarried with Native Americans, northern Europeans, and Africans to form the various populations of the so-called "Melungeons" throughout the Southeast. He further surmises that the descendants of these early "lost" colonists surrendered their identities in order to survive, melded in, and became generally lost to history. "Oral tradition, archival evidence, linguistics, and, perhaps most importantly, medicine and genetics, support this scenario," Kennedy said."


Administrations Relating to Virginia and Virginians by Lothrop Withington

Jonathan Newell was a prominent merchant residing in York and James City counties as early as 1661. He died in 1679, and the appraisement of his estate included "Bookes - 63 Bookes of several sortes, 6 pay Bookes, some large." Among the servants were "4 Turkes at 95 lbs." The estate was a large and valuable one. His widow, Elizabeth, was administratrix.

I did more research on Jonathan and found the following:

Jonathan Newell came to Virginia in 1637, by Capt. Francis Turner, Charles River Co. VA. Jonathan married Elizabeth Beale, the daughter of Thomas and Alice Beale. Jonathan died 1675.
Economic History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century By Phillip Alexander Bruce Published 1895 Macmillan and co.

There were found in Virginia in the seventeenth century a number of persons of Turkish blood, who had been imported like English laborers under the terms of ordinary indentures. One of the head rights which Francis Yeardley, in 1647, gave in to obtain a patent to land in Lowere Norfolk was acquired by his importation of Simon, who was of Turkish nationality.

Jonathan Newell of York County owned four Turkish servants, whose value was placed at the very high figure of ninety-five pounds sterling.

The inventory of the estate of George Jones of Rappahannock included a Turk whose term had still seven years to run. In the last decade of the century, a suit was entered in York by Mathew Catillah, probably an Algerian, for the recovery of his freedom, his mitress retaining him beyond his twenty-fourth year.


Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Armenian from Turkey

The Armenians in America By Malcolm Vartan Malcom Published 1919
Original from Harvard University Page 51-57

The Pioneers (1618-1894)

There were Armenians among the first settlers in America. We are indebted to the records of the Virginia Company of London for the interesting information that "Martin the Armenian" was a member of the Colony at Jamestown, Virginia, as early as 1618 or 1619. The exact date of his landing, the name of the vessel that brought him here and the circumstances that induced him to cross the Atlantic are unknown. But all the bits of references to him put together lead to the conclusion that he came here as one of the servants of Governor George Yeardley. While in Virginia he acquired British citizenship which undoubtedly entitles him to the distinction of being the first naturalized person on the American continent. After remaining here for about four years he returned to England in 1622 with a "parcell of tobacco" which he had raised in Virginia. Upon his reaching London the customs officers imposed double the amount of the regular duties on his importation because he was a foreigner by birth. Thereupon Martin appealed to the Company's Court for a reassessment. His petition, dated May 8, 1622, reads as follows:

"John Martin the Persian makinge humble suite for the Companies fauor to the ffarmors and his Mats Custome to free him from payinge double wch they required of him beinge a Stranger notwithstanding he was made a freeman in Virginia by Sr. Geo: Yeardley then Gouernor as by Certificate vnder the Collonies Seale appeared Answeare was made touchinge his freedom that noe but the Kinge could make him a free denizon of England, and for the Custome demanded the ffarmors themselues could not nowe remitt in reguard they has already entred the parcell into their booke and charged it vpon Account, wherevpon it beinge taken into consideracon howe he might be releiued, he was at length aduised to peticon vnto my Lo : Trear for remittinge the said imposicon in reguard he was a freeman of Virginia and intended to returne thither againe wth some servante out of the proceed of that smale parcell of Tobacco he [here] brought ouer to supplie he wante."

On May 20, 1622, the Court, which was presided over the Lord Cavendish, rendered the following decision:

"The Courte takinge into consideration the request of Mr. Martin the Perian touching the double charge imposed vpon his Tobacco by the ffearmors in reguard he was a Stranger and havinge informed themselues of the priuiledge of their Patent, that giues them power to enfranchies Strangers and them capeable thereby of the like imunities that themselues enjoy : Haue therefore ordered that the Secretary shall repaire to the ffarmors of the Custome with a Coppie of the said clause and that with the Courte speciall comendacon of Mr. Martin unto them, and to entreat their fauor towarde him rather in respect of his good likinge to the Plantation whither he intends to goe againe, wch may happily encourage other strangers to the like resolucon to go ouer thither." [note : The records of the Virginia Company of London. The Court Book. Edited by Susan Myra Kingsbury, Vol. I, page 633, Vol. II page 13.]

The valuable records of the Virginia Company of London contain a number of references to this Armenian. It appears that he became a member of the Company's Standing Committee and attended many of its important sessions. He is mentioned in the minutes of an "extraordinary" meeting held on October 20, 1623, as "Martin an Armenian." When the question as to whether or not the Company should surrender its charter to the King was put to vote, "Martin the Armenian," with Lord Argall and seven others, raised his hand for the affirmative. "Martin Armenian" was present at an important deliberation of the Committee held on November 12, 1623. He is again referred to as "Martin ye Armenai." in another meeting that took place on January 14, 1624.

The next two Armenians came to America in 1653 under the most interesting circumstances. There was at this time a great deal of enthusiasm to produce silk in Virginia. Unsuccessful experiments had been made in the care and raising of silkworms and mulberry trees which furnish the chief nourishment for these caterpillars. Edward Digges, one of the leading members of the Colony, having heard through his father, then the English Ambassador to Russia, that the Armenians were expert cultivators of silkworms, brought over at his own expense two of them "who enjoyed a high reputation in their native land for their skill and experience." The result of the work of these men was so promising that in 1654, John Ferrer, an earnest supporter of the Company, wrote a poem dedicated "To the Most Noble Deserving Esquire Digges :

Page 56

"But noble Digges carries the Bell away
(Lass ! want of eggs made so small the essay)
His two Armenians from Turkey sent
Are now most busy on his brave attempt.
And has he stock sufficient for next yeare
Ten thousand pounds of Silk would then appeare
And to the skies his worthy deeds upreare
And to the skies his worthy deeds upreare.
. . . . . . . . . . .

Courage, brave Sir : Sith Ayde from God is sent Proceed, go on, drive forth thy great inteny.

In December, 1656, the Assembly of Virginia passed the following Resolution:
"That George the Armenian for his encouragement in the trade of silk and to stay in the country to follow the same have four thousand pounds of tobacco allowed him by the Assembly."

It cannot be ascertained whether "George" was one of the Armenians brought over by Digges, but the evidence seems to be in favor of that presumption.

History is silent concerning the other Armenians who may have drifted to the New World in quest of prosperity during the rest of the 17th and 18th centuries. It is not al improbable that through the influence of the Armenians already in Virginia other may have come here, particularly from Holland and India where Armenian merchants were constantly in touch with England.

Armenian, Turks, Jamestown Holland, Silk trade

Martin the Armenian

The Armenians in America By Malcolm Vartan Malcom Published 1919

Original from Harvard University

Page 56

"But noble Digges carries the Bell away

(Lass ! want of eggs made so small the essay)

His two Armenians from Turkey sent

Are now most busy on his brave attempt.

And has he stock sufficient for next yeare

Ten thousand pounds of Silk would then appeare

And to the skies his worthy deeds upreare

And to the skies his worthy deeds upreare.
. . . . . . . . . . .

Courage, brave Sir : Sith Ayde from God is sent

Proceed, go on, drive forth thy great inteny.


Friday, March 28, 2008

"We won't play the MHA" exposure

I am so happy that people understand these important facts, thanks Joanne.

Joanne wrote:

"The MHA has kindly acknowledged that we may support the Armenians if we choose."

''MHA supports the idea, as do most organizations, that any member retains the right to take a personal, political position on an issue and use their right as an American to voice that to their representatives.''

I don't like the fact that America is being used to choose....not matter what we do one country will no longer be an ally. Shouldn't this be settled by historians and not by politics?

What took place during the fall of the Ottoman Empire should be studied and revealed. The people who had their families murdered need closure.

Perhaps with the Melungeons getting involved.....both Armenians and Turks will come to realize that we are all in this world together. We are akin too. Just look at the DNA results.


Yahoo! Groups : Melungeon

The Melungeons have thrived on the Internet there is a Melungeon Group for all aspects of the word.


Yahoo! Answers

This is a wonderful site for people of all ages.


Yahoo! Groups : Directory : Armenian

There is 94 Armenian Yahoo Groups. Check them all out and learn their rich culture and history.



This is a great site you might want to send to your family and friends.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Electoral nanodemographics: It’s all up to Elvis Z. Vardy


"This is it folks: the 2008 presidential primaries hinge upon the vote of a single person. It’s this guy: "

Who Were the Talligewi


"The Delaware (Leni Lenape) is the Indian tribe the Order of the Arrow uses in its legends and ceremonies. The Delaware language and history are a great part of the customs and traditions of the Order."


2ndlook - Forgotten Indian Diaspora In Europe - 1000 years ago


"Sharing the concentration camps with the Jews were a fringe European group - Roma Gypsies. 80% of the Romany Gypsy population - a greater percentage of Roma Gypsies died than the Jews. The world has little sympathy - and no intention of doing anything about this holocaust. One out of three in a concentration camps were Jews - the rest were Roma Gypsies and others (Jehovah's Witnesses Spanish Republicans, and ordinary criminals). Estimates of Roma Gypsy deaths in the Nazi holocaust vary and are contradictory - between 2 lakhs to 15 lakhs. A weighted median figure seems to be 5 lakhs - and better figures are difficult as Roma Gypsies were considered unfit for inclusion as human population in various census operations."


Gypsies, Turks, Armenians, and East Indians on Our Early Shores:

An Update on Continually Emerging Ethnic “Surprises”

By Brent Kennedy


The Tip of the Archival Iceberg?

American archival evidence of Turkish, Armenian, Gypsy, Jewish and other Middle Eastern settlers now surfaces with regularity. The simple act of looking for it has generally been the key to finding it (along with the fortitude to not dismiss out of hand what is found). A few examples of easily verifiable documents should suffice to demonstrate that the whole story of our Nation's settlement is by no means known. Some examples:

From Jewels of the Third Plantation, Obadiah Oldpath, Lynn, Massachusetts: Thomas Herbert and James M. Munroe, 1862. Early American (Massachusetts) historical reports (pages 71-74):

“1647. Aug 8: There hath suddenlie come among vs a companie of strange people, wch bee neither Indjan nor Christian. And wee know not what to liken them vnto. Some will have it yt they bee Egyptians or Jypsjes, wandering thieves, jugglers and beggars...Never hearing yt any such people were in ye Dutch settlements or Virginia, I surmised yt hee did mean yt they came from ye Spanish settlements, thousands of leagues awaie...They doe use palmistry and other devilish arts and witchcrafts...”

"Could Gypsies have been present this early in North America? Around 1000 A.D., Gypsies, who had originated in India, migrated westward to Turkey where they still reside in significant numbers, and then fanned out again into the Balkans, Eastern Europe, and, finally northern Europe. They carried with them their own rich culture and this they blended with other cultures as they migrated and intermarried. As they moved into Europe they took with them bits and pieces of Ottoman/Turkish/Byzantine culture, folklore, linguistics, religion (Islam), and even genetics (for excellent historical background, see David M. Crowe's, A History of the Gypsies of Eastern Europe and Russia, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1996, pp.1-30). Much of this admixed Gypsy culture would eventually be carried into England by the early 1500s. Gypsy, or more properly, Romani scholars present an intriguing scenario of how Gypsy immigrants might have arrived in early America as slaves, servants, and even "English" settlers, complete with English surnames."

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Possible End to the Mystery of Melungeons

by Henry Burke


The Allegewi


"Scouts sent ahead learned of a nation that inhabited the land east of the Mississippi and who had built strong, walled cities. These people were known as the Talligewi or Allegewi, after whom the Allegheny River and Mountains are named. The Allegewi were considered taller than either the Iroquois or the Delaware, and the scouts saw a good many giants walking among them."


Melungeon Health

Read about genetic diseases that are common in Melungeons.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ancestry of Barack Obama


The Many Faces of Abraham Lincoln


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Obama related to Pitt, Clinton to Jolie


Mar 25, 6:53 PM EDT

By DENISE LAVOIE Associated Press Writer

Controlled by the Turkish Government


MHA Position Statement March 2008


MHA needs a BIG budget for security at their Union

Are the Melungeons being threatened. Is it safe to attend the 12 Union? Don Collins thinks that MHA will need a large amount money to hold back the crowds who wish to do harm to the Melungeons.

Well, from what I heard the university has it's own campus security team. So, I assume that they will keep the crowd under their control.


A Statement from Joanne Pezzullo

It is my opinion that Joanne Pezzullo, the leader of the political group MHRG, is on a malicious campaign of defamation of MHA, Brent Kennedy and ATAA.

This statement made by Joanne at the Melungeon List is an example of the ongoing false accusations made in behalf of Joanne's smear campaign.

She forgot to mention that the reason for going to New York was in response of an invitation from Istanbul Alumni Association-USA, they gave Brent Kennedy an award for all of his accomplishments.

ATAA is a non profit organization - not a political organization. MHA does not lobby for themselves. The MHRG is in error in their accusations against the two non profit MHA & ATAA organizations.


Political Posts

Once again the Melungeon List moderators are back to permitting political posts. A Yahoo group, Melungeon Heritage Research Group has been created for such political posting.


Keep genealogy political free contact the link below to do so

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Twelfth Union

Position Statement March 2008

On Saturday I got my MHA Newsletter in the mail. The newsletter addresses many current issues and lies circulating around the Internet. I don't know when MHA will post the newsletter on the MHA site.

12 Union 2008, will be at the Lincoln Memorial University, in Harrogate, TN, on June 27 & 28, 2008. More updates in the next few weeks, so stay tuned.



Thank you Patt Seitas for your time and work on the Harrison County, WV site. The Hughes are my ancestors.

"Hughes, Elias & Jane, 1790, p. 300; 1793, p. 455, 435, 436
Hughes, Thomas & Mary, 1793, p. 303;, 1795, p. 551"


Harrison County WVGenWeb Indexmy search engin


Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Melungeon DNA Surname Project

Family Tree DNA

Melungeon Surname Researchers

Elizabeth Hirschman & Donald N. Panther-Yates


Melungeon DNA Project


Melungeon event this weekend in southeastern Kentucky


June 19, 2003

"Both long-time Melungeon researchers and individuals just starting to explore their family roots will find something of interest during this weekend's Melungeon conference, Wayne Winkler says."


Fourth Union Melungeon event next week in Kingsport


June 13, 2002

"Results from a comprehensive genetics study to be unveiled next Thursday could shed some light on the origins of Melungeons. But the findings could be controversial and are likely to spark new debate."


Fourth Union Melungeon Gathering schedule of events

Coalfield Progress

June 13, 2002

"All Fourth Union events will be held at Memorial Park along Fort Henry Drive in Kingsport, Tenn."


Melungeon DNA study results unveiled, more to come today

Coalfield Progress

June 20, 2002

"Results of a two-year DNA study have confirmed some long-held beliefs about Melungeon ancestry but also contain some surprises that will be studied and debated by historians and researchers for years to come."


Fourth Union Melungeon Gathering begins today


June 20, 2002

"Fourth Union: A Melungeon Gathering kicks off today in Kingsport, Tenn., and lasts through Saturday. All Fourth Union events will be held at Memorial Park in Kingsport. The park is located along Fort Henry Drive across from Dobbyns Bennett High School and J. Fred Johnson stadium."


UVa-Wise biologist unveils Melungeon genetics study


June 25, 2002

"KINGSPORT, Tenn. - Melungeons are a genetically diverse group of people who can trace their origins to the Middle East, India and the Mediterranean region. And DNA results unveiled last week confirmed Melungeons have European, African, African-American and Native American ancestry. "If anyone has ever said, 'you inbred Melungeon,' they are wrong," Kevin Jones told about 250 people attending a Thursday press conference held here during Fourth Union: A Melungeon Gathering. A University of Virginia's College at Wise biologist who teaches cell biology and genetics, Jones conducted a recently completed two-year study of Melungeon DNA."


Kennedy pleased with Melungeon genetics study


June 25, 2002

"KINGSPORT, Tenn. - Brent Kennedy is thankful a recently unveiled DNA study gives credibility to his long-held beliefs about the origins of the Melungeon people. But he was apprehensive before results of the survey were announced last week. "What if it shows I'm totally wrong? I had prepared myself for that," he said. The research - conducted by University of Virginia's College at Wise biologist Kevin Jones - showed Melungeons have roots in Turkey, other parts of the Middle East, India, Europe, the Mediterranean, Africa, as well as having Native American and African-American ancestry. "Those are confirmations of what I had expected," Kennedy said Thursday during Fourth Union: A Melungeon Gathering."

Association chief highlights Melungeon gathering successes


July 09, 2002

"Association chief highlights Melungeon gathering successes
A recent Melungeon gathering featured interesting presentations on a variety of topics, but the event also provided an opportunity for people to come together, explore their ancestry and make new friends."


Melungeon event scheduled for late June

The Coalfield Progress

April 05, 2001

"An event focusing on Melungeon history will be held Saturday, June 23, in Hancock County, Tenn. "

Melungeon gathering scheduled for June 23 in NE Tennessee

The Coalfield Progress

June 14, 2001

"An upcoming event near Sneedville, Tenn., will celebrate a mission school that offered educational programs to members of one of America's least-known ethnic groups, the Melungeons. "Melungeon History: A Gathering at Vardy" is a one-day event set for Saturday, June 23, in Hancock County, Tenn."

Melungeon history focus during Saturday event in east Tennessee


June 19, 2001

"A one-day event this coming Saturday will focus on Melungeon history and its ties to the Newman's Ridge area of East Tennessee. The June 23 meeting will be held in the Vardy community of Hancock County, Tenn. Vardy is about a 60- to 90-minute drive from Wise County."


Friday, March 21, 2008

Third Union Melungeon gathering set in Wise

By ROBERT BAIRD, Coalfield Progress

February 15, 2000

"Connie Clark has a lofty goal for an upcoming Melungeon gathering - to get 2,000 people to Wise for the spring event."

Interest grows in Melungeon heritage, culture

By ROBERT BAIRD, Coalfield Progress

February 15, 2000

"The Internet has made possible what seemed impossible years ago - widespread distribution of and discussion about books, videos and articles concerning Melungeon heritage."


Third Union Melungeon gathering events scheduled

By ROBERT BAIRD, Coalfield Progress Staff

May 04, 2000

"Nazi persecution of gypsies. Mediterranean people living in America before Columbus' arrival. Cherokee Indians in Southwest Virginia. Traditional Turkish music. A scavenger hunt for kids."


Third Union Melungeon events begin Thursday

By ROBERT BAIRD, Coalfield Progress Staff

May 18, 2000

"A four-day celebration of Melungeon heritage, culture, and history begins this morning on the University of Virginia's College at Wise campus."


Debate on Melungeon gene pool remains alive, well

By JEFF LESTER, Coalfield Progress

May 23, 2000

"WISE - Researchers continue to dispute the specifics of bloodline when asked, "What is a Melungeon?" But a panel of area authorities on recent Melungeon research agreed Friday on one point - in central Appalachia, the word applies to just about anyone who could pass for Caucasian but isn't."


Professor discusses Melungeon ties to Carolinas

By ROBERT BAIRD, Coalfield Progress Staff Writer May 25, 2000

"WISE - Indian trading and hunting trails that stretched hundreds of miles from the east coast to Tennessee and Virginia provided a logical route for migrating Melungeons, a professor says."

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Mingo Co, WV, Homepage


Logan County History


The LostCousins site is completely free

Completely free...

20th March 2008

The LostCousins site is completely free for all members, new and old, until March 26th 2008.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

A Statement from Brent Kennedy

June 24, 2002

"The British, however, were doing so. Turkish and Armenian families were documentably present in Jamestown, serving the English colonists as indentured servants and artisans. Whatever the case, historians are best equipped to determine HOW the genes arrived. Finally, East Indians were brought to these shores in significant numbers from the early 1600s on and Romany (Gypsies) are also well documented in Virginia and the Carolinas during the same time period. There was, simply said, no shortage of the people necessary to provide the genetic proof to back up the Melungeon claims of origin."


Joseph Mendelsohn Scolnick

The late Joseph Mendelsohn Scolnick, was a professor at the College of Wise.

Wise Virginia Melungeons, along with Mr. & Mrs. Nuri, standing on the courthouse steps to declare their Melungeon heritage.

"sister cities"

Yes, this is true, they were sister cities, they won an award for all their accomplishments. Sister Cities International, is a Global Citizen Diplomacy Network. The program is working well. Pittsburgh has 17 Sister Cities. Sister City Directory. Check to see if your city is listed.
Picture from right to left Brent Kennedy, Nuri Ertan and Mayor C. Smith. Nuri was the mayor of Cseme.

Palatine to host Sister Cities Midwest Regional Conference in April

"This year, the Illinois Sister Cities Association is hosting the Midwest Regional Sister Cities Conference April 18-19, in Palatine. The purpose of the conference is to inform representatives from cities in a five state region of the opportunities to promote Dwight D. Eisenhower's "faith in the great promise of Sister City affiliations in helping build the solid structure of world peace." Created by Eisenhower in 1956, Sister Cities programs focus on four key themes: sustainable development, arts and culture, youth and education, and humanitarian assistance."


Native American Indians

Turks Saying they are First Americans

The Armenian Reporter March 15, 2008 Commentary

Yes, this is a picture of Melungeon Mountain in Cseme, Turkey. Standing on the forest are Melungeons and Turks.


History of the Lost State of Franklin By Samuel Cole Williams

old forts and blockhouses in SW Virginia

Great site to bookmark for research.

An Early History: Scott County, Virginia Economic Development Authority

Great site for the history of Scott County, Virginia.

Gathering Up Memories: A Collection of Appalachian Stories By Ann Goode Cooper

You got to read this legend about a fiddler of long ago.

A History of Middle New River Settlements and Contiguous Territory By David

This is another book that I recommend, so many surnames are mentioned along with where they came from and where they went.

History of Methodism in Tennessee By John B. McFerrin

"From Rye Cove I went to Stallard's, on the ford of Clinch River. Here I found trouble on hand. Two local preachers had been expelled, and were making fearful inroads in the society. I preached, and regulated the concerns of the Church in the best manner I could, and left them in the hands of their Maker, and, turning my course to the south, came to Moccasin Gap. This was a natural curiosity- a large creek, running directly through the high mountain I have just described. The source of the creek was on the north side of the mountain, which run parallel to the Clinch River for some miles, then turned short to the south, and emptied into Holston River. "

Good book, I recommend reading.

History of Southwest Virginia, 1746-1786, Washington County, 1777-1870

Fort Blackmore is attacked by Indians on Jan. 13, 1781.

Fort Blackmore

"Frontier advance on the upper Ohio, 1778-1779,..." Page 97

"I have visited most of the stations here several Times but have never been all the Way to Blackmores yet, being told the last Time I was at Castle's Woods [MS. torn' was no men believe Col. Shelby's would very soon order a Company of Men to that Place & the Rye Cove."

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

This is not about the Armenian genocide....It is about the MHA


First of all MHA has done nothing wrong. I don't think there is a problem for MHA to address, since they have not done nothing wrong. So I suspect this is why there is "RELUCTANCE."

You don't know everything the only things you know is from the Internet which is a place that one can't believe everything that you read. The article is written by a reporter, some reporters are better than others. The translation of the article are another stumbling block, that is over looked.

"The right thing to do was to make an immediate decision to sever the ties to the ATAA"

Just why do you want the ties to the ATAA severed? I would appreciate an answer to this question. Do you hate Turks because of their religion? Do you fear them? Should we sever our ties to our ally, Turkey? Is this your main mission?

The United States and Turkey have been working on a friendship for over a decade. I can remember Pres. Bill Clinton visiting Turkey to lend support for Turkey's acceptance into the WTO. The area of Istanbul was having earthquake trembles during his visit, it was that important to Pres. Clinton. If the Melungeons has made our country and Turkey better allies, then I am proud of the fact. Kudos for Melungeons.

I want my grandchildren to live in a better world that is a global community. Your war against MHA, ATAA and many others is wrong. You act like a spoiled brat who wants everything to fit her tiny world. Grow up and help build a global community for those who will come after we pass away from this world.

Joanne, you have managed to spin yourself in your own spider web.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Dedication of the Memorial Fountain, Cesme

Dedication of the Memorial Fountain, Cesme - December 6, 2003

First Turks in America Project

Special Guests & Project Directors: Ret. Major General Riza Kucukoglu, Prof. Sedat Isci & Prof. John Grabowski

Aegean Pearl Subasioglu Marble, Fatma Subasi

Photos by ATAA Midwest Vice President Nurten Ural, TACAM Directors Cihangir Tasdemir & Leyla Ahmed, and Asli Yashin

Monday, March 17, 2008

Bigfoot seekers to look for proof in West Virginia


"CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Some call it Sasquatch or Bigfoot. In other parts of the world, it's known as the Yeti or the Abominable Snowman.
Believers in this mysterious apelike creature are headed to West Virginia in April to try to find proof of its existence."


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ariela Gross | "Of Portuguese Origin": Litigating Identity and Citizenship among the "Little Races" in Nineteenth-Century America | Law and History Re


"Historians have only begun to tell the histories of "red and black" peoples in the United States, and much of their attention has focused on the "Black Indians" of the Five Civilized Tribes of the Southeastern United States.1 Yet up and down the eastern seaboard, there were clusters of people who shared African, European, and Indian ancestry, many of whom lived as distinct and separate communities into the nineteenth and even the mid-twentieth centuries, some retaining or struggling to retain Indian identities, others becoming known as "free people of color," and still others claiming whiteness"

New Melungeon Health Group

Joanne Pezzullo, the leader and founder of the Melungeon Heritage Research Group at Yahoo, has announced a New Melungeon Health Group. Their purpose is to discuss "Health issues that affect some Melungeons and others that don't."

This new Melungeon Health Group, founded by the leader of the MHRG, is not a replacement for the "Historic Melungeon Health Education and Support Network."

Nancy Morrison has done a superb job of research on the Melungeons, her years of research and experience has made her an expert on Melungeon health issues. The comfort that she gave to those who contacted her over time was a God send to many people. Doctors were telling patients that their pain was in the head, nothing was wrong with them. Nancy held people's trust and did find them the right road to health. I'm talking about hundreds of people of the years.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Blanket Dance

Our Shaman

1850 Kentucky Census Index - Goins

Name District Roll Page

C G GOINS Union District 2 220 465

CALVIN GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 377

CANADA GOINS Whitley District 2 222 392

CATHARINE GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 346

DANIEL GOINS Jefferson Louisville District 2 206 187

DELILA GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 346

DELILA GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 377

ELEANOR GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 360

ELI GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 346

ELIZA GOINS Franklin District 1 200 30

ELIZABETH GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 346

ELZA GOINS Garrard Division 1 201 256

EMMA GOINS Jefferson Louisville District 2 206 187

ESTHER E GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 360

EUPHOBIA GOINS Jefferson Louisville District 2 206 187

FRANCIS GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 365

GEORGE GOINS Fulton Not Stated 200 120

HENRY C GOINS Graves District 1 201 443

HESTER F GOINS Garrard Division 1 201 256

HILA GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 346

ISAIAH GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 360

JAMES GOINS Union District 2 220 465

JAMES GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 377

JAMES H GOINS Fulton Not Stated 200 120

JAMES T GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 377

JOHN GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 377

JOSEPH GOINS Franklin District 1 200 30

JRS GOINS Union District 2 220 465

LEONARD GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 360

LEROY GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 355

LEVI GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 346

LEVY GOINS Union District 2 220 465

LUCINDA GOINS Whitley District 2 222 392

LUCINDA E GOINS Garrard Division 1 201 256

MALVINA GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 346

MANDA R GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 355

MARGARET T GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 377

MARIEL GOINS Union District 2 220 465

MARY GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 360

MARY A GOINS Garrard Division 1 201 256

MARY A GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 377

MARY I GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 346

MASHACK GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 367

MINERVA GOINS, JR Garrard Division 1 201 256

P A GOINS Union District 2 220 465

PERNECIA GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 377

PHEMA A GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 360

PRESTON GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 377

PRIOR GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 377

REBECCA GOINS Union District 2 220 465

REBECCA GOINS Whitley District 2 222 392

REBECCA GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 355

SAML H GOINS Garrard Division 1 201 256

SARAH GOINS Jefferson Louisville District 2 206 187

SARAH I GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 360

SERULDA GOINS, JR Knox Not Stated 209 355

STRADFORD GOINS Jefferson Louisville District 2 206 187

SUSAN GOINS Fulton Not Stated 200 120

SUSAN GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 360

THOMAS GOINS, JR Knox Not Stated 209 355

TILMAN GOINS Union District 2 220 465

WILL C GOINS Garrard Division 1 201 256

WILLIAM GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 346

WILLIAM GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 346

WILLIAM GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 377

WILLIAM GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 377

WILLIAM H GOINS Knox Not Stated 209 360


Allen County Indiana Genealogy


"The Washington Times

Embassy Row


" 'Genocide' politics

"A grim but tireless debate between Turks and Armenians for more than nine decades found its way into the U.S. presidential campaign, as Turkish-Americans began organizing politically against any change in Washington's policy toward the "Armenian genocide" of 1915."


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Chief Billy Cole

Joanne Pezzullo, the leader of the newly found Melungeon Heritage Research Group, has posted a wonderful piece over on the's GenForum. The time era was April 22, 1889, published in the Weekly Journal. This is a must read for any Melungeon researcher and for Appalachian researchers.

Thanks Joanne!


French Creoles | Free People of Color

Very interesting site. Belinda Hatton submitted the link over at Larry Keels' Melungeons, Redbones, or renegades, Yahoo Study Group. Thanks Belinda!


"Come on in and learn something new, Read about the forgotten Creole culture of America. Home brewed mixture of African, French, Spanish, and Native American"


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

We, the People of Chestnut Ridge:

A Native Community in Barbour County
By Joanne Johnson Smith, Florence Kennedy Barnett, and Lois Kennedy Croston

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

ARMENIAN terrorists at work in USA (and high level connections of Murad Topalian)

The Guineas of West Virginia


"He earliest Male in our direct line that have located is Wilmore Male. Wilmore signed a petition in Maryland in 1768 to move the county seat from Joppa to Baltimore Town. Sometime after that, he and his family moved to Berkeley County, Virginia and by 1782 they had moved west to Hampshire County, Virginia. Sam Norris was already there. "


Monday, March 10, 2008



"“ Andijanis are all Turks; everyone in town or bazar knows Turki. The speech of the people resembles the literary language; hence the writings of Mir 'Ali-sher Nawa'i, though he was bred and grew up in Hin (Herat), are one with their dialect. Good looks are common amongst them. The famous musician, Khwaja Yusuf, was an Andijani.[12] "


Volume 5, No. 3 November 1993

Zephaniah Goins Fought in Yorktown Campaign

By Jack Harold Goins
Editorial Board Member
Route 2, Box 275, Rogersville, TN, 37857




Sunday, March 09, 2008

A Brief Overview of the Melungeons By Wayne Winkler


"A Malungeon,: said he, “isn’t a nigger, and he isn’t an Indian, ..... The word “Melungeon” was often spelled “Malungeon” in the 19th and early 20th "

Sand Mountain Melungeon Families

by Donald Panther Yates


"Sand Mountain is a flat-topped extension of the Cumberland Plateau stretching over a hundred miles along the Tennessee River in the states of Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama. Its twin, Lookout Mountain, lies across the valley, where Interstate 59 runs from Chattanooga, Tenn. to Fort Payne and Boaz, Alabama, near Blountsville. In ancient times, a mixture of Cherokee, Yuchi, Koasati, Creek and other Indian tribes inhabited the area, and the Spanish explorer Hernando De Soto visited its towns in 1539/1540 (see map). In the census of 1950, Jackson County (which constituted the first white county formed in Alabama from the Cherokee Cession of 1816) had 70 persons identified as Melungeon, making it a notable location for this ethnic group. This article will survey the genealogies and ancestry of some of these families, based on the author’s own family tree, and incorporating research about to be published in a recent book titled When Scotland Was Jewish. Surnames include Adkins, Beam(er), Black, Blevins, Brown, Bunch, Bundren, Burke, Burns, Cooper, Davis, Fields, Gist, Gunter, Justice, Keys, Lackey, Lowrey, Redwine, Riley, Shankles, and Sizemore."

Carter Family one of Wealthiest in Colonial America

by Henry Burke

"Perhaps there never was an official royal class in North America, but the Carter Family who had huge land holdings in Tide Water Virginia were very close. The fortunes of the Carters in England began when William, Duke of Normandy crossed the English Channel in 1066 to fight for the crown of England. Naturally William brought his most loyal Norman knights with him, and among them was a clan of knights known as Cartiers"

Saturday, March 08, 2008


Freeda Alder Collins, age 74, of Sneedville, passed away Wednesday, March 5, 2008 at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center in Knoxville, following a lengthy illness.

Freeda was a lifelong member of the Sneedville United Methodist Church, a member of the Sneedville Woman’s Club and a teacher in the Hancock County School System for 38 years. She devoted much of her life to the children of Hancock County.

She was preceded in death by her father, Clay Alder; and her mother, Ada Alder Trent.

Left to cherish her memory are: her husband of 55 years, William "Claude" Collins; Goddaughter, Sharyn Horton Styles; beloved God-grandchildren, Chelsea and Jalen Styles; and special sister, Betty Mahan.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. on Friday, March 7, 2008 at the Sneedville United Methodist Church with the Rev. Steve Aker and the Rev. Craig Hall officiating. Interment will follow in the Alder Cemetery. Her family will receive friends from 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, March 6, and from 12-2 p.m. on Friday, March 7, at The Sneedville United Methodist Church.

Arrangements by McNeil Funeral Home in Sneedville.


Friday, March 07, 2008

Artifacts from Vardy

A must read for anyone who has connections to Tennessee.

Be forwarned troll Larry Keels is

Larry Keels yahoo group is a very friendly Intellectual group. People can contribute to the group without the fear of sarcasm from other members. The people of the group help one another in their quest of finding their heritage.

Mr. Don Collins is wrong in his assessment of Larry Keels group.


Wednesday, March 05, 2008



"Pocahontas was an Indian princess, the daughter of Powhatan, the powerful chief of the Algonquian Indians in the Tidewater region of Virginia. She was born around 1595 to one of Powhatan's many wives. They named her Matoaka, though she is better known as Pocahontas, which means "Little Wanton," playful, frolicsome little girl."

Labels: ,

Monday, March 03, 2008


Valentine and Dicey Collins Family


First North American primate trekked from Siberia


"A U.S. scientist has unearthed the remains of the earliest-known primate to live in North America. In doing so, he figured out the path these ancient representatives of the mammalian group that includes lemurs, monkeys, apes and people must have taken to reach this part of the world.

Based on a group of teeth from a teeny primate unearthed in Mississippi dating to 55.8 million years ago, paleontologist Christopher Beard of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh said the species likely scampered over a now-vanishedland bridge connecting Siberia to Alaska."

Electoral nanodemographics: It’s all up to Elvis Z. Vardy

"Elvis Z. Vardy, a 31-year-old self-described Melungeon; served in the National Guard but remained stateside; earned an Associate Degree in restaurant management; annual income: $28,500;..."

Descendants of James F. Maggard

Beverly Walker's family tree. Great looking site. Click on the Home Page and go to the photos, they are old. I think a lot of gun collectors would love to have the old guns.

Tracing Heritage Through Disease

"Mary Arminta Musick (above), great grandmother of Nancy Sparks Morrison, explained her darker complexion by saying she was a "quarter-strain" Indian. Morrison, however, can find no evidence of Indian ancestry in her geneology investigations."

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Gavin Menzies

The East Asian Student Program presents Gavin Menzies (UK) as its colloquiumspeaker series on Thursday, Feb. 7, 2008. Menzies talk was titled "Zheng Hi in 1421."

History of Santa Elena


"First Spanish Occupation at Santa Elena (1566-1576)

"In January, 1566, Menéndez received a report that the Frenchmen were going to attempt to establish another settlement in Florida, so he gathered a fleet of ships and sailed north from St. Augustine to counter that effort. He did not encounter any sign of French presence on this trip, but he decided to establish an outpost on present-day Parris Island near Beaufort, South Carolina. He chose this spot because Ribault's initial settlement in Florida had been on or near Parris Island in 1562-1563, and he was concerned that the Frenchmen might return to that same area. Thus Santa Elena became the second of the "two or three towns" Menéndez had agreed to establish in Florida under his contract agreement with Phillip II."

Did the Chinese beat Columbus to America?

"In his bestselling book, "1421: The Year China Discovered America," British amateur historian Gavin Menzies turns the story of the Europeans' discovery of America on its ear with a startling idea: Chinese sailors beat Christopher Columbus to the Americas by more than 70 years."

Saturday, March 01, 2008

In Search of the Past The Hittites of Anatolia


"Who were the Hittites? Their discovery is still one of the most fascinating stories of the early archaeological and philological explorations of the Middle East. The ruins of their once monumental palaces and temples, their rock-reliefs in the middle of the wilderness of the Anatolian steppes, and their stone inscriptions in the least expected places were known by local people but overlooked, or ignored, by Europeans."


Sister Cities International

"Add Your Voice for Peace Sister Cities International is a vibrant global network of communities working tirelessly toward a more peaceful world."

Sister City Directory

"Does my city have a sister city?" "How many sister cities are there in Australia, or in Missouri?" Sister Cities International's online membership directory is the place to answer these and similar questions, and to discover the world of sister city partnerships. The online directory lists Sister Cities International members and their sister city partnerships around the world. Through this directory you can search by region and by country. You can then link directly to the specific information about each of these unique sisters city relationships." Feature of the Month

European Tapestries, Middle Eastern Kilims,
and Appalachian Quilts: The Weaving of America

by Phyllis and Julia Starnes


"My family has lived by and played in and on the banks of the Clinch River and Stony Creek for generations—the same Stony Creek where the old Primitive Baptist church of the same name once stood—the same Stony Creek church that is often put forth as the place where the earliest known written reference to the word “melungins” occurred in 1813. The listing of membership from that time is a “Who’s Who” of mine and my husband’s family trees. The original church building was washed away by floods a long time ago. My husband’s family and my mother were members at the Pine Grove church that replaced it. My mother sometimes took my daughters to services there when they stayed with her during summer breaks. It was still a one room church house with a curtain to pull for Sunday school, and an outhouse. Baptisms were still performed in the deep spot right behind it in Stony Creek—the same deep spot that served as a swimming hole on Saturdays."

Christopher Alan Koch's Family Site

This site has a cute puppy that is up for adoption. Chris has a lot more check his web site.

Anatolian Motifs

Scholars who study ancient tapestry have found that the Cherokee Indians have some of the patterns that are a match to Turkish tapestries.