The Melungeons blog

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Othman, founder of Ottoman power (ruled 1289-1326)

Othman, founder of Ottoman power (ruled 1289-1326): "Effective founder of the Ottoman Empire. Othman inherited a tiny mountain kingdom at the death of his father Ertogrul in 1289. At that time, most of modern Turkey was divided into tiny Turkish states, ruled by a patchwork of tribal chiefs and military adventurers. Unlike most, Othman's realm bordered the Byzantine empire, ruled by Andronicus II and Androncus III, neither of whom showed any ability. Othman spent his entire reign conquering their last province in Asia Minor, eventually taking Broussa, the main Byzantine city after a siege that lasted years, leaving only Nicea and Nicomedia in the hands of the Byzantines. Even at the end of his reign, Othman's realm was not amongst the most powerful of the turkish states. However, he was succeeded by a line of very able rulers, who were able to use their position opposite Constantinople to great advantage. He was succeeded by his son Orkhan. "

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