The Melungeons blog

Thursday, August 25, 2005

RootsWeb: Melungeon-L Re: [Melungeon] The Newest Indians

RootsWeb: Melungeon-L Re: [Melungeon] The Newest Indians: "I originally got interested in genealogy in an effort to document the American Indian ancestry which was known to be in my father's family. That was a good eight years ago and it was as result of that quest that I foundout about Melungeons. In all that time I have never seen or heard anyone anywhere in any way shape or form claim to have an "Indian princess" intheir family, Cherokee or otherwise(except, perhaps, for people who claim to be descended from Pocahontas). Yet this old chestnut keeps being repeated over and over again whenever the subject of "white" people searching for their known or suspected Indian ancestry comes up. Like the "wannabe" label, it is demeaning and dismissive, and I really wish people who write and speak on this topic would cut it out.

In the case in point above, I think it's interesting that someone who made such a search for nearly forgotten Indian roots herself would so ridicule others trying to do the same thing. There is in this a cautionary tale for those of use who are trying to confirm or deny Melungeon roots.


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