The Melungeons blog

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Geronimo's Request

Geronimo's Request: "Geronimo is being degraded to just an 'urban legend' because of a bitter battle to retrieve parts of his remains from a secret society called 'The 'Skull & Bones.' The secret society was founded at Yale University in 1832. A search on the Internet will return well over fourteen thousand pages devoted to Geronimo and the Skull and Bones Society, even CBS 60 Minutes has covered the strange secret society. A quick search on the Skull and Bones Society will bring forth forty-four thousand pages. Seems everyone has a variety of facts but which are true is up to the reader, those who do serious research will have a better understanding of this intriguing piece of history of America's past.

A friend sent me an email about an online petition, Petition to Repatriate Geronimo's Skull, by Will Russell. The petition alleges that the skull of Geronimo was taken from his grave and now resides in Connecticut at Yale University inside of a building called 'The Tomb,' pictured on the left. I emailed Will Russell to verify the petition was authentic. He has convinced me that the records prove that Geronimo's skull is in 'The Tomb.' "


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