The Melungeons blog

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

RootsWeb: Melungeon-L Geronimo's skull

RootsWeb: Melungeon-L Geronimo's skull: "Dear Friends,

>Unfortunately these acts of desecration are all too typical. Please
sign the petition at the bottom of the article to recover Geronimo's skull from
the Skull & Bones Society at Yale and give it proper burial.


>SAN CARLOS, Ariz. - American Indians are petitioning Congress to
>investigate the elite Skull and Bones society at Yale University and
>return the remains of Chiricahua Apache warrior Geronimo to Apaches
>for reburial.
>The online petition describes the desecration of Geronimo's grave in
>1918 by members of the society, including President George W. Bush's
>grandfather, Sen. Prescott Bush. The men removed Geronimo's head and
>a prized silver bridle, which had been buried with him.
>''Using acid and amid laughter, they stripped Geronimo's head of
>hair and flesh. They then took their 'trophies' back to Yale
>University and put them on display in the clubhouse of the secret
>fraternity 'Skull and Bones,''' states the petition.
>Outraged American Indian tribal members from across the nation and
>indigenous people from around the world are signing the petition
>with plans to pressure Congress to act.
>Apache leaders want Geronimo to be buried, as he requested, in
>tribal lands in the mountains of San Carlos.
>''Geronimo left his rifle and peace pipe here when they took him
>away,'' Thompson said. ''When Geronimo was taken from this land, he
>wanted to come back and be buried on San Carlos in the Triplet
>Skull and Bones admitted to San Carlos Apache leaders almost 20"


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