The Melungeons blog

Monday, June 06, 2005

Jewish Genes

The most recent genetic research consists of obtaining DNA samples, and doing laboratory analysis and comparison of the DNA markers on the Y-chromosome -- which is passed from father to son, and on the mtDNA (mitrocondrial DNA) -- which is passed intact from mother to son and daughter. This genetic anthropology promises to be particularly informative for tracking the history of Jewish populations, and helping to resolve the debate on the origins and migrations of Jewish communities in the Diaspora.
The researchers proposed to answer the question whether the scattered groups of modern Jews can be identified as the descendants of the ancient Hebrews of the Bible, or whether their common ancestry has been diluted through influx of converts and through intermarriage so that little remains of their 'Jewish genes.'

The complex recorded history of dispersal from the Land of Israel and subsequent residence in and movements between various countries in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East is expected to produce a complex pattern of genetic relationships among Jewish populations as well as between them and the non-Jewish peoples among whom they lived.

The research was based on samples from 29 populations, 7 Jewish, categorized into five major divisions: Jews, Middle-Eastern non-Jews, Europeans, North Africans, and sub-Saharan Africans."


  • At 12:04 AM EST , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hi Helen Campbell,
    I was just passing looking for Jewish links on the blogger site and found your Jewish Genes blog. Your blog was not quite what I was looking for, but I enjoyed my visit all the same.

  • At 3:43 AM EST , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Do You Have Any Information Regarding The Jewish
    Whistle Blower?

    Please assist at


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