The Melungeons blog

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"Turkish and Armenian families were documentably present in Jamestown"

Anthony a Turk Anthony Eastindian 1636

Virginia Land Records, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents page 674

(448) Mr. George Menfye, merchant, 1, 200 acres in the county of James City, a neck of land commonly called the Rich Neck [1] extending from a neck bounded on the westside by a branch of Archer's Hope Creek, which divides the said neck from a neck commonly called the Barren Neck; and bounded on the east by the main branch of Archer's Hope Creek to the head to the head thereof, and from thence in a direct line to the head of the said branch. Due for the traansporation of twenty-four persons (names below). By Harvey, February 23d, 1636.

Edward Hickman, Thomas Andrews, Anthony Skinner, Richard Clarke,

Symon Lovum, Jon. Doe, Richard Apleton,

Anthony Eastindian [i.e. an East Indian]

William Sutton, William Large, John Abraham, William Stodon, John

Bagby, Jon. Ellis, Sam'l Turner, Richard Wherwood, John Baker, John

Grimes, Thomas Poole, Thomas Taylor, Lettice Price, Robert Thomas,

Anthony [a] Turk, Jeffery Hatton.