The Melungeons blog

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Age of Exploration - On-line Curriculum Guide - The Mariners' Museum - Newport News, Virginia

Age of Exploration - On-line Curriculum Guide - The Mariners' Museum - Newport News, Virginia: "Portugal led the European world in sea exploration during the fifteenth century. The golden age of discovery for Portugal lasted almost a century until the Dutch eventually seized trade routes from them. During the height of their years of exploration, the Portuguese were attempting to find a route around Africa into the Indian Ocean and eventually trade with India and the Far East.
In the fourteenth century, Portugal managed to drive the Moors out. Muslims (Moors) had controlled the better part of Portugal and Spain for centuries. In 1415, the Portuguese captured the Moorish city of Ceuta in the northern coast of Africa. From this time forward, Portugal continued to expand its influence on the western coast of Africa in order to outflank the Moors and spread Christianity.
During this timeframe, stories about a Christian king named Prestor John were circulating throughout Europe. Portuguese leaders hoped to find this legendary king to gain his support; but he did not exist. "


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